- Beagles are a decent size, small enough to not be knocking you about all the time, but big enough not to be little, annoying yippy dogs.
- Beagles are loud enough to scare away prowlers!
- Beagles are loving and friendly, making them especially good pets for families with children.
- Beagles are more than willing to help you out if, you know, you've got any extra food just sitting around the house waiting to be eaten.
- Beagles are cute. Maybe it's the ears.
- Beagles can bring out the best you.
- Beagles can bring out the worst in you. But they're still cute while doing so.
- Beagles are easy. They'll do just about anything for a treat. Heck, if you've got enough treats, you can probably get a beagle to do your taxes for you.
- Beagles are generally one of the healthier breeds of dogs, usually living longer than their larger cousins and not suffering from problems that often crop up in over bred breeds.
- Beagles can smell just about anything!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
10 reasons beagles make the best pets
Monday, August 1, 2011
10 health benefits of garlic
Heart disease: Garlic is a superb natural supplement to your diet for combating heart disease. Not only does garlic work to lower bad cholesterol levels in the bloodstream, but garlic also helps protect the aorta in the heart by slowing the aging process of the aorta. Basically, garlic has natural anti-clotting and blood thinning properties.
- Impotence: This one might be for you guys. And yes, garlic helps with impotence. How? First, garlic helps with blood circulation, and that's important for ... well, you know what it's important for if you're an adult. But garlic also stimulates the male body to create a nitric oxide synthase enzyme, an enzyme needed for males to reach an erection.
- Low-weight birth: Studies done in Great Britain have shown that garlic taken by pregnant women helps the unborn to gain weight. Also, to add, if you are concerned about the bad breath garlic can give you, there are available at most pharmacies and grocery stores garlic supplements (usually in a pill form) that don't leave you with the bad breath.
- Infections: Natural, raw garlic works as an antibiotic. It can even kill some harmful bacteria, including that from staph infections, that are resistant to modern medical antibiotics.
- Allergies: Take at least one garlic pill a day, or eat a tea spoon of garlic a day, to help ward off allergies, especially allergies caused by changes in weather. Your best bet is to begin taking the garlic at least a few weeks before a new allergy season kicks in. It's the antiviral properties of garlic that help with this.
- Tooth aches: Sore tooth? Rub some garlic oil on it. Or place a crushed garlic clove on the tooth and around the gums. Give it a few minutes. The pain should begin to ease.
- Cold sores: Crush a clove of garlic into a glass of slightly warm water and drink it twice a day. The anti-viral and anti-bacterial benefits of garlic can help to lessen the effects of and help to defeat cold sores and other forms of herpes. Be warned, however, not to apply garlic directly to sores on the skin because in some people this can cause a burning sensation. Also, some people have allergies to garlic and should not apply garlic to their skin. To be safe, always check with your doctor.
- Cancer: Studies have shown that regularly partaking of garlic helps to lessen carcinogenic compounds in the body, especially helping to prevent stomach, colon and esophagus cancer.
- Food poisoning: Garlic is loaded with an anti-bacterial chemical called allicin (which also causes garlic's unique smell). Allicin is a great natural compound for fighting bacteria, which includes bad bacteria that can build up in the stomach due to food poisoning.
- Common cold: Garlic helps to kill viruses in your body, especially cold viruses and other harmful bacteria when the garlic is eaten raw.
10 health benefits of avocados
Lower cholesterol: Avocados contain oleic acid, which has been shown in studies to lower the levels of bad cholesterol in those who eat avocados regularly. Avocado also contains beta-sitosterol, a natural sterol that is supposed to help with cholesterol levels.
- Blood pressure: Avocados also contain a good amount of potassium, which is important in keeping blood pressure lowered. Also, the potassium helps to counteract sodium, which forces the body to store unnecessary fluid which can build up around the heart.
- Skin care: The avocado is known for its ability to be absorbed into the skin. Which is a good thing because avocado also has a soothing and softening effect on skin, and some even believe it has regenerative effects. So smear a little avocado on your face. Or look for skin products that contain avocado or avocado oil.
- Breast cancer: Remember that oleic acid mentioned above? Well, studies have shown oleic acid also helps to prevent breast cancer and possibly can even help patients who already suffer from breast cancer. And what has this oleic acid? Avocados.
- Cataracts: Avocados also have plenty of carotenoid lutein, which is also found in carrots (carotenoid ... get it?). This carotenoid lutein is great for helping to prevent cataracts, vision degeneration and other problems with eyesight. But always remember to check with your doctor when you have any health problems.
- Strokes: Folate is a form of vitamin B9, and studies have suggested those who have a regular intake of folate have a much lower risk of stroke. Avocados have folate. So why not try an avocado?
- Oral cancer: Phytonutrients in avocados have been shown to combat pre-cancerous and cancerous oral cells in humans without damaging normal cells. Nutritionists have also shown that Haas avocados are the type of avocado to contain the most phytonutrients. So stock up!
- Malnutrition: Avocados are an excellent source of food for those suffering from malnutrition. The reason for this is that avocados contain many, many different vitamins and minerals that are all important for the body.
- Digestive problems: Fiber is usually the key to better digestion, and avocados have their fair share of fiber. So if you have an upset stomach or troubles with your intestines, you might give avocados a try to see if they can help you.
- Sunburns: Not only is the avocado good for softening the skin, as mentioned above, but because of its natural oils and ease of absorption into the skin, it also helps to ease the pains suffered from sunburns. Maybe you should take some avocado with you the next time you go to the beach.
50 tips to avoid being mugged
Don't go out at night.
- Especially by yourself.
- Travel with a group of people.
- Or at least one really, really big person. Hey, it might help.
- Don't walk down dark alleys.
- Or any alleys.
- Carry a gun.
- Or two.
- Or ten.
- In the open.
- Carry your gun in your hand when walking down a dark alley.
- Pepper spray. Yeah, whatever.
- Talk really loudly to yourself.
- Preferably about crazy stuff, such as, "Sheep! Sheep! Elect the sheep for cardinal!"
- If you have to take a bus or subway, sit in a corner hunched up and look really tough. Give your best Clint Eastwood impression.
- Be a cop.
- In uniform.
- Bitch really loudly to yourself about how broke you are or how you just got mugged and all your money is gone.
- Don't carry obvious electronics that are expensive, such as a laptop or iPad.
- Better yet, don't carry any electronics.
- Other than maybe a cell phone. Everybody's already got one, so who'd want to steal yours?
- Plus you can keep that cell phone handy to call for help.
- Just make sure it's a cheap cell phone.
- Like one of those big ones from the '80s. You know, the one's that weigh a ton and the phone is connected to a big, black box by a cord.
- Better yet, keep anything that looks valuable out of sight.
- Walk a really big dog.
- Or a grizzly bear.
- Or a komodo dragon.
- If you think you are being followed, go someplace that has lots of light.
- And lots of people.
- And cameras, too, wouldn't hurt.
- If you're out at night, don't leave your car.
- And keep the doors locked and the windows up.
- Don't stop at stop lights or stop signs if you're in a shady part of town.
- Or if you see someone who looks shady hanging out near the lights or signs.
- Be aware at all times of people who are around your vehicle, especially at stops.
- Make sure you are in good shape physically.
- So you'll be able to run.
- Or fight, if you absolutely have to.
- Don't be stupid and where sunglasses at night just because you think it's cool. It hinders your eyesight, doofus.
- If you carry a bag, keep it strapped around your neck and not just hanging from your shoulder.
- Don't go into unfamiliar areas late at night by yourself.
- Carry some change for emergency phone calls.
- If you are out driving late at night and see an accident or crime, do not become involved. Drive to the nearest place of safety and then call the proper authorities.
- If you are out walking, walk with confidence.
- And make eye contact with people. It'll show you are serious.
- If you become involved in a physical confrontation with someone, your main goal should be survival, usually by escape. If you see a chance to get away, then flee the situation.
- Don't go up to an ATM late at night.
- Especially by yourself.
- Carry a glass bottle in your hand while walking. To make it look more natural, have it be a soft drink or something. You don't want to have to use a bottle as a weapon, but a potential mugger might see the bottle as a threat and pass you by.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Guest post: Martha Stewart and The Pumpkin Pot Pie Disaster
I am the youngest child of six children in my family. My mother was an amazing cook. She was one of those cooks who could really cook anything. She shared her recipes and taught my older sisters and even my brothers to cook. She taught me how to set the table.
I was working full time before I graduated college and, like most ambitious people, I focused on my career and chasing that American Dream. I worked very hard to have a nice home and beautiful things. My home was clean and organized, mostly because I didn't have time to enjoy it. I wasn't exactly domestic in those days.
Then I turned thirty and decided to learn to cook. About time, right? Well, I am an all-or-nothing kind of gal, so I didn't start with a simple dish appropriate to my skill level. No, I went full-on Martha Stewart!
I decided to use a Martha Stewart recipe to make these beautiful chicken pot pies you bake in real pumpkins with a pastry top. Now I had a well-equipped kitchen, top-of-the-line cookware and gadgets. Pristine really, because those gadgets had never been used.
I went and bought the best and freshest ingredients and planned it all out perfectly. Or so I thought. I made no accommodations for the fact I had no skills in the kitchen and no idea what I was in for. I actually invited my family over for dinner!
One of my sisters asked what I wanted her to bring. I told her I was cooking. The phone went silent, but I could still hear her trying to think of a gracious way out of my invite.
I called one of my brothers to invite him and he asked what I wanted him to bring. I told him I was cooking everything. My brother has never been one to spare my feelings, and then he began laughing uncontrollably and said he wouldn't miss my meal for the world. He also muttered something about this being his Christmas card that year.
Well, I did not let any of this dissuade me. I was so determined.
You know how on television you watch chefs chop and dice and make it look easy? It's not. Clearly it was divine intervention that I made it through chopping onions with all my fingers intact, and in under an hour.
I began with homemade chicken stock. By the time I cut the vegetables and herbs and got the chicken and spices together and measured, I was two hours in. Next I made the dough for the crust. Seemed simple enough. It wasn't. I didn't know any of the tricks I know now about chilled butter in small pieces and iced water and even chilling the flour and cutting it all together. I used a room temperature whole stick of butter and a spoon and ... let's just say it didn't go well.
Then came the pumpkins. I bought pie pumpkins and cut them and cleaned them. That took about two more hours. You had to roast them a bit first and then add the chicken pot pie mixture and pie crust for baking. I thought I had it all under control. I didn't! The dough kept sliding off the pumpkins and sinking down inside. I tried to make more dough, but it was awful. I finally ran to the store and bought ready-made pie crust (Martha, forgive me) and began to fashion a topper for the pumpkins. Nothing worked. By this time the pumpkins were starting to pucker and wrinkle. It was hideous.
There is no happy ending to this story. It gets worse.
I actually served what was, at this point, toxic waste to my snickering siblings. Did I mention they were evil? They have never let me live that disaster down, no matter how many of my culinary triumphs they've devoured since.
That fateful night we ordered pizza and I endured the ridicule and the subsequent therapy that would follow.
But my table setting looked beautiful. Martha would have been proud.
5 unusual foods in a can
The foods themselves might not be odd, but just finding out these particular eats can be found available in cans is kind of weird, if not downright disturbing in some cases. I'm sorry, but some foods just shouldn't be served from a can.
Is there anything about a whole chicken in a can that sounds appealing? And what gets me, there's more than one company that makes such a product. Imagine how this thing is going to come out of the can. Warm. Stringy. Sticky. Wet. In other words, yucky. You'd have to do a lot of cooking before it would sound appealing to me.
Unfortunately (maybe?), this product no longer shows up on the German manufacturer's Web site. Could it be they realized this was not such a great idea? Sure, it doesn't look or sound appealing, but does it really seem any worse than much of the grub served at fast food restaurants nowadays?
This stuff comes from the Brits, but you can sometimes find a version of it in the States. This is another one where you just have to ask yourself, "Who thought this would be a good idea?" Looks to have beans, sausage, hot dogs and possibly some other kind of unidentifiable meats. Sounds like zombie food.
Okay, this one is really starting to get out there. I've eaten alligator. It was kind of flaky, like fish, but maybe that was just how it was prepared for me. But that was at a fancy restaurant. Going home and popping open a can of 'gator just doesn't seem to have the same quality to it. Maybe this stuff is a hot item in Cajun country.
10 health benefits of apples
- Cancer: Apples can possibly help in the fight against cancer, at least by helping to lower your own risks of cancer. How? Apples contain quercetin, an anti-oxidant, that helps to prevent cell damage in the body that can lead to cancer. So having an apple a day can't hurt.
- Asthma: A couple of studies provide evidence that apples help to combat asthma and its symptoms. One study suggested that women who eat apples during pregnancy are less likely to have babies who suffer from asthma. Another study suggested that drinking apple juice at least a couple of times a month helped children with breathing problems brought about by asthma.
- Constipation: Apples have lots of natural fiber, especially in their skins. This fiber helps with constipation problems by keeping the digestive tract running smooth.
- Heart disease: Pectin is a soluble fiber found in apples, and pectin has been shown to help with a whole slew of problems that can bring about heart disease. Pectin builds up in the digestive tract, helping to lower cholesterol levels and decreasing the risks of heart attack and stroke.
- Alzheimers: No, apples can't cure Alzheimers, but one study has shown that the natural chemicals and vitams in apples help to protect the brain from neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimers, possibly even Parkinsons disease.
- Teeth: Yes, apples are good for your teeth and gums. The natural acidic properties of apples help to keep the teeth clean and your breath smelling better. The sturdiness of apples also helps to strengthen teeth and gums, allowing for a brighter smile.
- Skin: Apples are even good for your skin, fighting bad UV rays, keeping the skin clean and fresh and young looking. It's the elastin and collagen in apples that are best for the skin, and the two types of apples with the most of these properties are Granny Smith and Red Delicious. Eating apples is good for the skin, but for a more direct approach you can make your own apple sauce or apple face mask at home and apply it to your skin. To do this, chop and smash apples into a sauce, then add some honey and oatmeal.
- Sunburn: Since apples are good for the skin, it's natural they also are good for dealing with the pains of sunburn. Smash some apple pulp, mix in just a little glycerine, then apply it to the skin for at least fifteen minutes. Wash away with cold water. This will help to sooth your burnt skin.
- Blood sugar: This one is especially good to know for diabetics. If your blood sugar gets low and you're starting to feel bad, grab an apple and start chomping. The natural sugars in apples help to regular blood sugar levels.
- Weight loss: Apples taste good. And they're made up of 80 percent water. What better treat for helping to lose weight? Apples also have plenty of fiber, are low in calories, and have next to no natural sodium or fat. You can't beat that for a diet food!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
10 Unusual Pizza Toppings
- Squid: Try it with shrimp and Miracle Whip or mayonnaise. Maybe a touch of your favorite cocktail sauce. Could make an interesting seafood pizza.
- Baconnaise: Why not? Add real bacon and ham and sausage and have a total pig fest. But only if you're not worried about fat and calories. Check the Baconnaise Web site for more recipe tips, and believe it or not, the stuff is healthier than you might think.
- Asparagus: Turn it into a vegetarian pizza by adding sprouts and spinach and cucumber slices. Not your thing? Not mine, either. I'm more of a meat lover. But every now and then a veggie pizza can be cool and healthy.
- Cream cheese: Add some pineapple slices or some strawberries or other fruit and have a dessert pizza. It would be decently healthy. Though I wouldn't suggest putting on the traditional, tomato-based pizza sauce. That'd be a big YUCK!
- Peanut butter: Bring on your favorite jelly and have a PB&J pizza! Or there's always bananas, or even deep-fried bananas. Elvis would have loved it. Add chopped nuts for that crunch factor.
- Eggs: Put in some spinach and cheese and you've got yourself an omelet. Maybe some onions to bring on the flavor. Strips of green and red peppers could make a nice combination, too. Just watch out for the heartburn.
- Cranberries or cranberry sauce: With some turkey slices and maybe pumpkin pie filling, this could be a little Thanksgiving pizza served early. If you want to live real dangerously, make the bottom layer just on top of the crust out of mashed potatoes.
- Sweet and sour chicken: You could add on some fried rice or noodles and have a Chinese pizza. But you wouldn't have to stick to sweet and sour chicken and that delicious sauce. You could try General Tso's chicken or pineapple chicken or any other different kind of chicken from one of your local Chinese restaurants. Get it to go, then add make a pizza out of it.
- Prawns: Sound fishy? Go all out and add tuna and salmon and anchovies. You'll have the ultimate fish pizza. Your sauce could be a cocktail sauce or maybe even a malty vinegar.
- Chocolate: This one isn't for everyone, but with marshmallows added it could be like a hot cocoa pizza. Or serve it with your favorite pudding or cake icing. Go all out and make a giant, fatty, dessert pizza. Sit back and enjoy.
10 health benefits of oatmeal
- Lower blood cholesterol: Oatmeal contains a soluble fiber known as betaglucan, and betaglucan helps to reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood stream. The way this works is the oatmeal sort of gathers the bad cholesterol to itself while traveling through the body, then takes the bad cholesterol with it as it exits. Just a bowl of oatmeal a day can help your body.
- Losing weight: That fiber in oatmeal also helps with weight loss. The oatmeal makes your stomach feel full, and the oatmeal itself normally only has about 150 calories per half cup. And, of course, the extra fiber intake allows your body to more easily pass along food.
- Energy: Oatmeal has a good number of carbohydrates, and while in some circles carbs have become a dirty word for those who are dieting, you body needs carbs to keep up its energy levels. That's where oatmeal can come in handy. Low fat and relatively low calorie, a single bowl of oatmeal can help to boost your energy levels (very important in the morning) while not loading your body with fat. Just don't over do it and eat nothing but tons of oatmeal, because those carbs will add body weight eventually.
- Fighting cancer: Oatmeal is no cure for cancer, because a cure has yet to be discovered, but oatmeal does contain plenty of insoluble fiber which helps the body to fight against bile acids, and their toxicity, which helps to lower the risks of cancer. At least according to the American Cancer Society.
- Memory: Oatmeal has plenty of vitamin B, which is important for the brain and nervous system to function properly. Help keep your mental faculties alert and active by having a little oatmeal each day.
- Dry skin: Have dry, itchy skin? Applying an oatmeal pack or mask can help. The natural, lubricating fats in oats allow oatmeal to be a great moisturizer and can leave a thin layer of protection on the skin. How to make an oatmeal mask? Ground up some oatmeal in a coffee grinder until it's quite fine. Mix in a bowl with warm water and honey, then let that sit for five minutes. Wash your face, and while it's still slightly damp, rub your oatmeal mixture onto your skin. Leave it on for ten minutes, then wash off with water. Easy!
- Acne: Since oatmeal is good for dry skin, it's also good for acne and cleaning the skin. Cook up some oatmeal, let it cool, then apply and let it sit for about ten minutes. It's really that simple. And oatmeal and a little water are much cheaper than many of the face cleansers on the market.
- Neurodermatitis: In case you don't know, neurodermatitis is a skin disease that can leave one with itchy, sometimes inflamed skin. Oatmeal baths are supposed to be good for relief of neurodermatitis, which makes sense because oatmeal is good for dry skin. But don't just take my word for it. Ask your doctor. And no, oatmeal baths aren't just a giant bowl of oatmeal; it's a regular bath with a bag of oatmeal dumped into it. Again, ask your doctor for advice and directions.
- Hair: Yep, oatmeal is good for the hair. Don't believe me? Mix up some oatmeal, then apply it to your hair while in the shower. Rub it in just as you would a shampoo, then let it sit for a minute or so. Wash it out completely, dry your hair, and then feel your hair. I'd bet your hair will feel soft and strong, and it'll be clean, too. Lots of shampoos have oatmeal in them.
- Colon cleaner: Ooo, gross! But cleaning the colon helps the body in many ways, including reducing the risk of cancer. Remember all that high fiber content in oatmeal? Well, it's also good for helping to keep the colon clean by forcing along food particles out of the system. I know, you don't like thinking about it too much, but it can improve your health.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
10 Candy bars I wish were easier to find in the United States
To be fair, many of these candies can be found in the United States, but only in specialty shops or if they've been specialty ordered. But still!
The Aero is a segmented chocolate bar that's filled with a kind of soft candy, sort of like nougat but fluffy with lots of little bubbles. I love this stuff. There are different flavors of the Aero, my favorite being the mint one. You can get it in much of Europe. I've had it in Canada and seen it at a very few few places in the U.S.
I first had this caramel candy bar way back in the 1970s in Canada, but I've never been able to find it anywhere since. Apparently it's still for sale in England, so I might just have to make a special trip over the Atlantic for one of these bars. The Caramac was just a simple candy bar, like a Hershey's bar or something similar, except it was made all of caramel instead of chocolate.
This is a really hard-to-find candy bar. I've never found it in North America anywhere, though I've seen it in Ireland. It's center is kind of crispy with caramel mixed in with the crisp. Then covered in chocolate, of course. Really one of my favorites. Wish I knew where to get some.
Happy Hippo
Rumor is the Happy Hippo candy can be found in some parts of the U.S., but I've never seen it. It's hard to describe the Happy Hippo, because it's almost more like a cup cake or cookie or something than it is like a candy bar. The Happy Hippo is a cookie with the bottom covered with a kind of icing with crunchy chocolate pieces and some kind of crunchy, nutty things. The top part of the cookie part has some little icing pieces that give the candy eyes, making it look like a hippo. The inside of this candy is a mixture of chocolate and vanilla, sort of like nougat.
Kit Kat Orange
The orange Kit Kat can occasionally be found in the United States; it seems like I run across it about once a year or so, usually during Spring. But that's not good enough for me. They sell the Kit Kat Orange all the time in Britain, and I want it all the time in the U.S. Call me fussy.
The Milky bar is basically a white chocolate candy bar. And I can never get enough white chocolate. I've had this in the U.K., but never seen it in the U.S. Nestle, oh please won't you bring the Milkybar to the States?
Peppermint Crisp
This one isn't for everyone, I'll admit. It took me some getting used to, but once I did, I began to enjoy it. The Peppermint Crisp is chocolate wrapped around a center that's ... well, it's hard to describe. The center of this candy bar is a blue, minty candy that's kind of crunchy. Hard to find everywhere I've ever been, though I've run across it in a few places in Europe.
Yes, they make Rolo in America, but it's not the same Rolo as they make and sell on the rest of the planet. Didn't know that, did you? It's true. Rolo in America are made by Hershey. Rolo in the rest of the world are made by Nestle. Generally speaking, I usually prefer Hershey chocolates over Nestle, but not in this case. It's still the same basic Rolo no matter where you get it, but the ones outside the U.S. seem to have a little extra something that lights my taste buds up.
Star Bar
The Star Bar I've been lucky enough to find in a few places in the U.S., but one thing that's disconcerting is that the company keeps changing the dang candy bar's name all the time. This candy bar has been called Boost, Nudge, Moro and who knows what else. But the company always seems to come back to the name Star Bar. Anyway, this bar is a lot like the Snicker's bar, with nuts and caramel and chocolate, though I've always thought the Star Bar was a little sweeter.
This chunky chocolate bar comes in all kinds of flavors, though I've only ever had the original in thick chocolate. Sometimes, nothing's quite as nice as just a thick chunk of chocolate. I first had this one in the U.K., but I've had good luck of late finding it in America.
10 health benefits of vinegar
- Hair: Organic apple cider vinegar is good for making your hair shine, and it helps to fight dandruff, too. You want the organic version because most mass-produced apple cider vinegars have been overly processed, thus destroying many of the vitamins and such that add the helpful benefits.
- Warts: Warts are killed with salicylic acids, often found in over-the-counter wart removers. White vinegar contains acetic acid, which works much the same as salicylic acids. So, if you suffer from warts, dab on a healthy does of white vinegar. You might have to do this more than once.
- Blood pressure: Apple cider vinegar has a lot of potassium, which helps to thin the blood, thus also lowering your blood pressure. A drink or two of apple cider vinegar can help to control your blood pressure.
- Cholesterol: Apple cider vinegar also has lots of fiber, which helps to absorb cholesterol and fats in your body and expels them naturally as waste.
- Arthritis: Most cases of true arthritis are caused by acid crystals that build up in the joints. Mix some apple cider vinegar with honey, slightly warmed, and drink to help dissolve these crystals. Unfortunately this is not a cure, and the crystals will reform. But at least the vinegar and honey can help a little with the pain.
- Mouth troubles: Gargle some slightly warm water with apple cider vinegar to fight bacteria, infections and bad breath. Go about half and half on the water and vinegar. Also good for sore throats.
- Watching your weight: Red wine vinegar has no sodium, no fat, no cholesterol and best of all, no calories. Which makes it an ideal topping for salads, or even as a meat marinade or sandwich dressing substitute, for those of us who need to watch what we eat.
- Antioxidant: Balsamic vinegar is made from grapes, which means it contains many of the same compounds in wine and grape juice that help the body's immune system to fight cell damage and heart disease, cancer and more.
- Sunburn: Stay out in the sun too long? Now your skin is red, dry and painful. Pour or dab on some vinegar to help ease the pain.
- Diabetes: Many who suffer from type 2 diabetes and are insulin resistant have reported using vinegar to increase their insulin sensitivity. Always make sure to check with your physician before trying this.
Monday, July 25, 2011
10 Christmas gifts for the person who has everything
A gold toothpick. Why not? They actually come in many varieties.
- A book that you have written. Preferably it would pertain to the person to whom you are giving the gift. Print-on-demand printing sites are relatively cheap nowadays, so if you spend a year getting a book ready, you could have it printed and ready to go by next Christmas.
- Gift card. Okay, this one could seem a bit generic and impersonal, but if you're at a total loss as to what to get, why not? It helps if the card is to a store or site which you know is a favorite of the person receiving the gift, but a card to a general store (ie. Walmart) can do in a pinch.
- Homemade, personal coupons. The kind where you do the person a favor, such as wash their car or mow their yard, give them a back rub, etc. Make sure it's something appropriate for the type of relationship you have with the person. Draw the coupon on a graphic program on your computer and try to make it look like a real coupon, with an expiration date and everything.
- A Kindle, or other e-reader, like the Nook. Why not? That way they could read whatever they want.
- A trip. Kind of like a mini-vacation. Take them someplace they've never been before.
- A newspaper reprint from the day the person was born.
- An umbrella. Yes, it's not the most exciting gift. But everyone needs one from time to time.
- A personalized coffee mug. Even if they don't drink coffee, they can still use the mug for other drinks. Zazzle.com is a good site for making and finding a personalized coffee mug. You can even include photos on the mugs.
- A month club membership. Month clubs can make an amazing gift, and it's a gift that keeps on giving the whole year long. Find out if the person you're giving a gift to has a favorite food or drink, maybe cake or beer or anything, and then get them a member ship in a month club that will send them various versions of that food or cake each month, or every other month or every few months. Each club is different.
10 basic tips for shooting better photographs
Offset your topic: In other words, don't always put the main subject of your photo in the center of the image. Place it off to one side. Allow some empty or dead space around the subject matter. This will actually help the viewer to focus on the most important part of your image.
- Use different vantage points: Try taking photos on your knees, or even laying down on the ground. Try the opposite by standing on something while shooting the image, maybe even climb something if it's readily available. Just remember, safety first. By using different vantage points, from above and below, you can add variety and texture to your images.
- Use your flash outdoors: Sound crazy? It's not. The flash will help to illuminate dark spaces, especially those around people's face, specifically under the eyes. When shooting a person or object on an overcast or dark day, the flash can help your subject matter to stand out from the background.
- Stop that camera shake: If you don't have a tripod, there are still some easy ways to help stop your camera from shaking. Sit down on the ground and prop one of your elbows on one of your knees, using the knee as an impromptu tripod. Try laying all the way down on the ground, then place a steady hand or fist beneath your lens to steady it. Try other maneuvers to get your camera steady. You'll soon find what works best for you.
- Keep it simple: Especially if you are a beginning photographer, you don't need all those extra features on the latest cameras. You don't need to go out and buy a bunch of different lenses and other equipment. Stick to the basics first. Once you feel like you've mastered your first camera and all it does, then it's time to begin looking to add bells and whistles.
- Get quick on the draw: This one is important when shooting pictures of animals and children, but can come in handy in other situations, such as if a wind is blowing. What this mostly takes is practice, practice, practice. You'll want to learn speed. Forget about focusing on all your camera's settings. You should've had that taken care of before you're ready to focus. And don't worry so much about taking a lot of photos; get the ones you can while you can.
- Disguise the boring: This means if you are shooting something overly simple, like flat clouds or dull water, try to move around to where you can get something else into the image. Maybe a hanging tree limb in the foreground, or a duck flying along. Something to break up the monotony. The sun itself could help, or the moon if you're shooting at night.
- Watch that flash range: It will take a little practice, but you need to learn the extents to which your flash will reach. If the subject matter of your photo is too far away, your flash won't be able to help. A general rule to follow is that if the subject is more than ten feet away, that's probably too far. But keep in mind there are a lot of factors here, such as what you are shooting, the weather, etc.
- Study your light sources: Always keep in mind your flash won't be the only source of light in your photos. In fact, your flash is often going to be the least strong source of light in your photos. This is especially important when shooting outside on sunny days. Watch for those shadows, and try to move so the shadows don't fall too heavily upon your image's subject.
- Go vertical: Far too often, photographers forget to turn their camera on its side. Even professional photographers. Give it a try. It can bring new depth to your images, and it helps to combat staleness and boredom. This can be especially helpful when shooting something vertical, like a tall building or a ladder.
Friday, July 22, 2011
8 Things I Bet You Didn't Know About Baconnaise
- Health: I know what you're thinking. Bacon and mayonnaise in a jar. It's got to be one of the most unhealthy foods there is. Wrong. Really wrong. This product has fewer calories and total fat than most brands of regular mayonnaise. Now you can feel a little better about spreading this on your sandwich.
- Light: Yes, there is a light version of Baconnaise. It has 30 calories and 3 grams of total fat per serving. Not too shabby, right?
- Kosher: Baconnaisehas been certified as kosher by rabbis. That's right, Baconnaise is kosher. Who would of thought that, huh? Means there's not real bacon in this spread, but it sure tastes like it.
- Vegetarians: Vegetarians can enjoy Baconnaise with feeling any guilt. That's right, no meat or fat is used to make Baconnaise. However, the ingredients list does include milk and eggs. Sorry, vegans.
- Oprah: That's right, Oprah. Baconnaise has been featured on the Oprah Winfrey show, and stirred up quite the response. Dave and Justin, the creators of Baonnaise, talk with Oprah online via Skype.
- Jon Stewart: Yep, Baconnaise has been mentioned several times on The Daily Show. This only goes to show just how hip Baconnaise really is.
- Recipes: Not only can Baconnaise make a great sandwich spread, but it can also be used as a dip and as a sauce. It goes great grilled with chicken or fish, and try dipping your chips, veggies or french fries in this stuff.
- Bacon Salt: The makers of Baconnaise also make Bacon Salt, so you can sprinkle on a little flavor of bacon with anything your heart desires.
Cheese friends are sweeping the nation
What is a cheese friend
A cheese friend is a friend you make out of cheese. Yes, it sounds crazy, but it's true.
What's so great about a cheese friend?
Cheese friends serve lots of purposes. If you are lonely, a cheese friend can give you someone to talk to. If you would like to have a pet but don't want the responsibility or the cleanup, a cheese friend can take the place of that pet you wanted.
Cheese friends won't hurt your feelings. They won't make you cry. They're quiet. They don't have to take up a lot of space. The possibilities are endless!
And there's the smell. If you chose a cheese you really like, a cheese friend can help provide that smell throughout your living space.
The best thing about cheese friends is that once you get tired of them, you can eat them. And then you can always make another cheese friend!
How to make a cheese friend
First, go to the store and buy a block of your favorite cheese. The size of the block depends upon the size of the cheese friend you want to make. If you want a small cheese friend, such as in the image below, a half-pound or pound block should do just fine. Also, keep in mind your cheese friend needs to be fairly sturdy, so you will have better luck if you pick a stiff cheese that's not too creamy; for example, a coverdale or one of the more solid cheddars should work fine, though something like a brie or wet mozzarella would not make a very sturdy cheese friend. And remember that if you want a big cheese friend, you're going to need more cheese, so base how much cheese you purchase upon the size of the cheese friend you want. If you want a human-size cheese friend, you're going to need a whole bunch of cheese.
Next, take your cheese home and cut it up into workable shapes, probably mostly cubes or rectangles though you can be as creative as you want. Smaller cheese friends will not need so many pieces of cheese, so for one of these you can make your cubes relatively small, about the size of the end of your thumb or a little larger. If you want to make a larger cheese friend, keep in mind the bigger pieces of cheese you have the less work you're going to have to do. If you want a cheese friend about a foot tall, you're probably going to want bigger cheese pieces, maybe as big as the palm of your hand, that is unless you're wanting to become a true cheese artist, and in that case you can create a bunch of small cheese chunks and build your cheese friend as an artist would a sculpture.
Tooth picks can come in handy fitting together the pieces of your cheese friend, though very small cheese friends likely won't need any, or no more than one, tooth pick.
How this all began
Thank comedic actor Tracy Morgan and the gang at the television show 30 Rock for the genius behind cheese friends. The March 5, 2009, episode of 30 Rock featured the first cheese friend, named Daniel by Tracy Jordan (the character played by Tracy Morgan). Below is an image of Tracy holding up Daniel. According to the TV program, Tracy makes cheese friends when "something's bothering" him.
Thus began the era of the cheese friend!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
10 unusual hot dog toppings
Crispy onions: Basically, fried onions, preferably in some kind of batter. I've heard this one is fairly common in Scandinavia, but I've yet to see it in the United States. Maybe some specialty restaurant offers it. Either way, it sounds like something worth chomping your teeth into.
- Potato stix: Or, if you prefer, any kind of crunchy chip. Maybe you like potato chips, or maybe nacho chips. Any of your favorites will do to add some extra crunch to a hot dog. Combined with ketchup or salsa, you could have a little party going right on top of a hot dog.
- Mayonnaise: Okay, this one might not be that unusual for some folks, but it's always struck me as odd. I'm a ketchup and mustard guy, maybe with chili or onions. Mayonnaise on hot dogs just strikes me as weird, but to each his own.
- Green peas: Why not? If you can have mayonnaise, why can't you add some peas to go along with it? Or any kind of small vegetable might do. Corn, anyone? Cooked baby carrots?
- Baconnaise: It tastes like bacon mixed with mayonnaise. How could you go wrong with this combo? Check out the Baconnaise Web site if you'd like to know more. And believe it or not, this stuff is generally healthier than regular mayonnaise.
- Cream cheese: Is there anything cream cheese can't improve? Warm it up slightly, then flop onto your favorite hot dog. You could even add a little raspberry jam for some extra zing.
- Molasses: Add a little sweetness to your meal on a bun. You could also try maple syrup or corn syrup, whatever floats your boat. This might go especially well with potato bread hot dog buns.
- Pineapple: That's right, shoot for a Hawaiian hot dog. A little cheese, maybe even a touch of seafood (I'm thinking that fake crab or lobster strips that are actually fish, or maybe popcorn shrimp) and you're set to go to a luau.
- Cole slaw: This one might not be that outrageous, especially for some Southerners who seem to love slaw on everything. Adding it to your dog is like eating a side and a meal all in one bite.
- Potato salad: People often eat them side by side on the same plate, so why not just combine potato salad and the hot dog? It saves in eating time, and you won't need a fork for the salad. Dump on and munch away.
Related links
10 health benefits of jalapeno peppers
Weight loss: Peppers contain a chemical known as capsaicin , which is actually what gives peppers their hot properties. Capsaicin is also good for helping you lose weight, and is commonly found in many weight loss pills and supplements. How does capsaicin help you lose weight? Very simply. It literally burns away calories and fat. So that hot feeling you get from eating peppers is also burning away the pounds.
- Arthritis: Capsaicin also acts as an anti-inflammatory, which makes it great for reducing swelling and pain in those who suffer from arthritis. So stock up on some jalapeno peppers if you have arthritis.
- Cancer: A study by British scientists at the University of Nottingham and another study by the American Association of Cancer Research reports that the capsaicin found in peppers actually is able to kill some cancer cells, specifically prostate cancer cells. Does this mean a cure for cancer is just around the corner? We can always hope.
- Headaches: The capsaicin in peppers is also known to block the neuropeptide known as Substance P, which is a main pain transmitter to the brain. What this means is that peppers can actually help to ease pain. So get some jalapenos if you are having headaches, and let those pains go away.
- Nasal congestion: This one might seem a bit obvious. The heat in peppers, again caused by capsaicin, clears the sinuses. It even helps to fight sinus infections by cleansing the airways. This means you can literally breath easier with the help of jalapeno peppers.
- Ulcers: Peppers might not be able to cure stomach ulcers, but they can prevent the ulcers from happening in the first place. How? Peppers kill bad bacteria in the stomach and intestines, and often this bacteria is what leads to stomach ulcers.
- High blood pressure: Jalapenos are a chili pepper, and chili peppers commonly have lots of flavonoids, Vitamin C and Vitamin A. And guess what those things are good for? Lowering one's blood pressure.
- Fluid loss: Too much fluid in the body can be bad in multiple ways, but most commonly it's bad for the heart. See, all that fluid can build up around the heart, thus putting a strain on the heart and potentially damaging it. One sign of too much fluid retention is swollen ankles. Another symptom is difficulty in breathing, because the fluid is putting pressure on the lungs. Check with your doctor if you believe you might suffer from too much fluid in your body, and also ask him or her about peppers. Why? Because peppers cause you to sweat, and the more you sweat, the less fluid there is in your body.
- Heart attack: Numerous studies have shown that in countries where peppers are common in the diet, the citizens there have fewer heart attacks. Many of the benefits of peppers listed above can help against heart attacks, but some studies have also shown that peppers inhibit the buildup of fibrin in the body, and fibrin is a major ingredient for blood clots to form.
- Anti-oxidant properties: Because of the flavonoids and vitamins found in jalapeno peppers, these peppers are excellent anti-oxidants, which means they work within the bloodstream to help the body fight off and heal from damaging cells.
More health links
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Guest post: Proving The Worth of Martha Stewart During Tough Times
Like most of the nation, my husband and I are in a serious financial situation. I do not think I am overstating, every penny counts. We’re beyond coupon clipping and less luxuries. We are making serious sacrifices. Now I fully understand those businesses that have those “Everything Must Go” sales.
We have sold absolutely everything we do not need. It started with our personal collections. My husband had an extensive and unique book collection, and I had the complete collection of the Department 56 Halloween Village (I had been collecting them for years) and my designer handbags. I cried actual tears over my Kate Spade and Coach purses as they went to their new homes. Nothing, but nothing, could have prepared me for selling my beautiful furniture.
My dining room table and chairs, the sideboard, the cabinet and hutch -- even my wool rug -- GONE. When my husband and I were first married, we waited months and saved to buy just the right pieces from Pottery Barn (or “Heaven on Earth,” as I call it). I thought we would have those pieces forever. We’re down to a sofa, two beds and the desk and chair upon which sits this computer I’m writing with.
At the end of the day, it’s just stuff. We’re together with a roof over our heads and we’re grateful. But recently we had another “budget summit” and tried to see where we could cut back just a little more. Well, my husband suggested I stop getting my Martha Stewart Living magazine. I suggested he … well, there are things I won’t write here. I have made a lot of sacrifices, but Martha really keeps me going. I can’t quit her! I began to explain to the Neanderthal I married that the little comfort and beauty we have in our lives is largely due to Martha Stewart. I argued that every single day I do something or cook something or use a product I got from Martha Stewart. He said, “Every day?” I said, “EVERY DAY!” He said, “Prove it.”
So here I go.
For the next 365 days, I am going to blog about "My Daily Martha,” to justify keeping my magazines in the budget. I really do use them. I love Martha Stewart! Everyone thinks you need a billion dollars and a staff of professionals to pull it off “Martha style,” but you don’t. You need patience and time. I’m learning to be more patient and the one benefit of unemployment is TIME! I invite you to follow along this journey with me.
Around the house,
Red wine vinegar potato chips the best chips ever made
But now I have discovered the golden ark of all potato chips.
They are Red Wine Vinegar Potato Chips made by Boulder Canyon Natural Foods.
Let me say that normally I am not a big fan of red wine or vinegar, and definitely not of red wine vinegar. But these chips ... each bite is like a little piece of heaven right in your mouth.
The red wine vinegar flavor is not too strong, unlike many other vinegar chips, giving just a hint of tart sweetness to the tongue as you chow down.
These are also kettle chips, so those of you who like the crunch factor will enjoy these. And these chips are also gluten free, so those who have to pay attention to such things have yet one more food they can enjoy. Better yet, only all natural ingredients are used.
Boulder Canyon makes many other flavored potato chips, as well as several other types of snack chips, but the Red Wine Vinegar chips are obviously my favorite.
Boulder Canyon chips are not available everywhere, but if you would like to try them you can order them online. Or you can ask a manager at one of your local grocery stores to order Boulder Canyon products.
Just make sure to try those Red Wine Vinegar chips.
Monday, July 18, 2011
10 Health Benefits of Cumin
Immune system: Want your body to be strong at fighting infections? Sure you do. So try some cumin. Cumin seeds are high in iron, and iron helps the blood and the body remain strong against many different illnesses and helps to fight infections.
- Indigestion: Is your stomach giving you some troubles? If so, you might consider adding some cumin to your diet. If you really don't feel good, make sure to talk with your doctor before making any changes to your diet, and don't forget to ask him or her about cumin. There is growing scientific evidence cumin helps with many different digestive disorders and problems.
- Lactation: For women who are lactating, it is known that cumin can help to produce more milk and to ease the occasional pains from lactation. How is this so? Cumin contains Thymol, a chemical compound which is known to boost the secretions of lactating glands, including mammary glands.
- Cancer: Numerous studies have shown cumin seeds have the potential to help fight cancer. The natural organic compound Cuminaldehyde is found in cumin, and Cuminaldehyde is considered a good combatant against cancer. Cumin also contains limonene and ester, two more natural compounds that are supposed to be good for preventing cancer. But always check with your doctor if you have concerns.
- Dry mouth: All of us suffer from a dry mouth from time to time, but did you know one way to treat a dry mouth is to suck on some cumin seeds? It's true. Cumin seeds have oils that work to get the salivary glands in the mouth working.
- Asthma: Caffeine is good for combating asthma. Guess what contains its fair share of caffeine? If you guessed cumin, you are correct!
- Diabetes: Cumin might be a future super food in the battle against diabetes. Multiple studies, including one from India's Mysore University and another published in the International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, that cumin helps to reduce hypoglycemia, also known as low blood sugar. Talk to your doctor if you suffer from diabetes or believe you might be contracting diabetes.
- Common cold: Remember those immunity properties of cumin because of the iron this seed contains? That combined with the various vitamins found in cumin makes cumin an excellent source for dealing with the common cold.
- Sleep: Having a hard time falling asleep at night? Cumin might be what you need to help you rest. The Vitamin B found in cumin is good for helping one to relax, some patients and doctors even suggesting one enters almost a trance-like state.
- Sore throat: The anti-infection properties of cumin along with its anti-fungal properties make it an excellent tool in coping with a sore throat. Hot or warm cumin tea is the best way to take cumin when dealing with a sore throat.
Month clubs make great Christmas gifts
Month clubs aren't a joke, believe it or not. They are real, and they make an excellent present for Christmas. Some can be a little pricey, but all of them are worth the cost.
There are many different types of clubs available, but the focus below will be on ten of them. And keep in mind nearly all month clubs have an offer to sign up for just a few months, so you don't have to go to the expense of signing up for the whole year unless you want.
Nearly everyone loves cake. Those who don’t, there’s something wrong with you. But for the rest of us, what better present than trying out a new cake each month. This cake club offers baked goodies they say are made from scratch. You get to try out a wide variety of cakes, including Blueberry Pecan Streusel Cake, Chocolate Espresso Cake, Deep Dark Gingerbread Cake and more.
There are a lot of different teas out there, and what better way to try a bunch of them out than by joining this club or getting the club as a gift for a friend … and, of course, then dropping by their place to try out those wonderful teas. If you like only certain types of teas, like black teas or green teas, don’t worry. This site has special tea clubs for you.
Just thinking about this club makes the mouth water. This one is for those who like their meats with a little something spicey. That’s right, it’s a barbecue sauce of the month club. And what’s double special is you get to try out two different types of sauce each month.
For you guys who like to puff away on a cigar, this would make a great gift for you. Each month you get to try out different brands and styles of premium cigars. Cohiba, Macanudo, many favorites are offered here, as well as some rare and unusual cigars hard to find. But how many cigars do you get a month? Five. Which is a good deal considering the price and the quality of the cigars.
No, you don’t actually get a new pet each month, despite what the title of the club. What you get every month is a selection of gourmet food for your favorite fluffy friends. Does your pet like to try out different pet foods? If so, this is the place for you. Of course some animals are finicky, or maybe they have an illness so they have to stick to a particular food, but keeping that in mind, this could be a fun gift for your pet.
Here you get more than just a movie. Each month you get a Blockbuster gift card, but you also get candy, popcorn and popcorn seasoning. This is a good gift for just about anyone. Everyone likes movies!
This is another one seemingly for the guys, but keep in mind plenty of women like beer, too. Every month you get four different styles of beer from award-winning breweries. You can even sign up for a seasonal gift, which means a shipment of beers will arrive every three months four times a year.
If you are into the heat, this one is probably just right for you. You get different styles and brands of hot sauces each month. A great plan is to have a gathering with friends each month, friends who also enjoy hot sauce. Break out some chips or other snacks and all of you get a chance to enjoy some zesty flavors.
There are plenty of different types of potato chips out there. How could you try them all? This club would give a big boost in that direction. This is a great way to try chips rare chips and chips from different regions.
Each month you get three different kinds of cheeses in half-pound blocks. Thinking about it makes the mouth water. Imagine, cheese from all over the world, and many of them made by hand. Whether colby, blue, parmesan or others are you favorite, you won’t want to pass by this club.
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