Heart disease: Garlic is a superb natural supplement to your diet for combating heart disease. Not only does garlic work to lower bad cholesterol levels in the bloodstream, but garlic also helps protect the aorta in the heart by slowing the aging process of the aorta. Basically, garlic has natural anti-clotting and blood thinning properties.
- Impotence: This one might be for you guys. And yes, garlic helps with impotence. How? First, garlic helps with blood circulation, and that's important for ... well, you know what it's important for if you're an adult. But garlic also stimulates the male body to create a nitric oxide synthase enzyme, an enzyme needed for males to reach an erection.
- Low-weight birth: Studies done in Great Britain have shown that garlic taken by pregnant women helps the unborn to gain weight. Also, to add, if you are concerned about the bad breath garlic can give you, there are available at most pharmacies and grocery stores garlic supplements (usually in a pill form) that don't leave you with the bad breath.
- Infections: Natural, raw garlic works as an antibiotic. It can even kill some harmful bacteria, including that from staph infections, that are resistant to modern medical antibiotics.
- Allergies: Take at least one garlic pill a day, or eat a tea spoon of garlic a day, to help ward off allergies, especially allergies caused by changes in weather. Your best bet is to begin taking the garlic at least a few weeks before a new allergy season kicks in. It's the antiviral properties of garlic that help with this.
- Tooth aches: Sore tooth? Rub some garlic oil on it. Or place a crushed garlic clove on the tooth and around the gums. Give it a few minutes. The pain should begin to ease.
- Cold sores: Crush a clove of garlic into a glass of slightly warm water and drink it twice a day. The anti-viral and anti-bacterial benefits of garlic can help to lessen the effects of and help to defeat cold sores and other forms of herpes. Be warned, however, not to apply garlic directly to sores on the skin because in some people this can cause a burning sensation. Also, some people have allergies to garlic and should not apply garlic to their skin. To be safe, always check with your doctor.
- Cancer: Studies have shown that regularly partaking of garlic helps to lessen carcinogenic compounds in the body, especially helping to prevent stomach, colon and esophagus cancer.
- Food poisoning: Garlic is loaded with an anti-bacterial chemical called allicin (which also causes garlic's unique smell). Allicin is a great natural compound for fighting bacteria, which includes bad bacteria that can build up in the stomach due to food poisoning.
- Common cold: Garlic helps to kill viruses in your body, especially cold viruses and other harmful bacteria when the garlic is eaten raw.
Monday, August 1, 2011
10 health benefits of garlic
10 health benefits of avocados
Lower cholesterol: Avocados contain oleic acid, which has been shown in studies to lower the levels of bad cholesterol in those who eat avocados regularly. Avocado also contains beta-sitosterol, a natural sterol that is supposed to help with cholesterol levels.
- Blood pressure: Avocados also contain a good amount of potassium, which is important in keeping blood pressure lowered. Also, the potassium helps to counteract sodium, which forces the body to store unnecessary fluid which can build up around the heart.
- Skin care: The avocado is known for its ability to be absorbed into the skin. Which is a good thing because avocado also has a soothing and softening effect on skin, and some even believe it has regenerative effects. So smear a little avocado on your face. Or look for skin products that contain avocado or avocado oil.
- Breast cancer: Remember that oleic acid mentioned above? Well, studies have shown oleic acid also helps to prevent breast cancer and possibly can even help patients who already suffer from breast cancer. And what has this oleic acid? Avocados.
- Cataracts: Avocados also have plenty of carotenoid lutein, which is also found in carrots (carotenoid ... get it?). This carotenoid lutein is great for helping to prevent cataracts, vision degeneration and other problems with eyesight. But always remember to check with your doctor when you have any health problems.
- Strokes: Folate is a form of vitamin B9, and studies have suggested those who have a regular intake of folate have a much lower risk of stroke. Avocados have folate. So why not try an avocado?
- Oral cancer: Phytonutrients in avocados have been shown to combat pre-cancerous and cancerous oral cells in humans without damaging normal cells. Nutritionists have also shown that Haas avocados are the type of avocado to contain the most phytonutrients. So stock up!
- Malnutrition: Avocados are an excellent source of food for those suffering from malnutrition. The reason for this is that avocados contain many, many different vitamins and minerals that are all important for the body.
- Digestive problems: Fiber is usually the key to better digestion, and avocados have their fair share of fiber. So if you have an upset stomach or troubles with your intestines, you might give avocados a try to see if they can help you.
- Sunburns: Not only is the avocado good for softening the skin, as mentioned above, but because of its natural oils and ease of absorption into the skin, it also helps to ease the pains suffered from sunburns. Maybe you should take some avocado with you the next time you go to the beach.
50 tips to avoid being mugged
Don't go out at night.
- Especially by yourself.
- Travel with a group of people.
- Or at least one really, really big person. Hey, it might help.
- Don't walk down dark alleys.
- Or any alleys.
- Carry a gun.
- Or two.
- Or ten.
- In the open.
- Carry your gun in your hand when walking down a dark alley.
- Pepper spray. Yeah, whatever.
- Talk really loudly to yourself.
- Preferably about crazy stuff, such as, "Sheep! Sheep! Elect the sheep for cardinal!"
- If you have to take a bus or subway, sit in a corner hunched up and look really tough. Give your best Clint Eastwood impression.
- Be a cop.
- In uniform.
- Bitch really loudly to yourself about how broke you are or how you just got mugged and all your money is gone.
- Don't carry obvious electronics that are expensive, such as a laptop or iPad.
- Better yet, don't carry any electronics.
- Other than maybe a cell phone. Everybody's already got one, so who'd want to steal yours?
- Plus you can keep that cell phone handy to call for help.
- Just make sure it's a cheap cell phone.
- Like one of those big ones from the '80s. You know, the one's that weigh a ton and the phone is connected to a big, black box by a cord.
- Better yet, keep anything that looks valuable out of sight.
- Walk a really big dog.
- Or a grizzly bear.
- Or a komodo dragon.
- If you think you are being followed, go someplace that has lots of light.
- And lots of people.
- And cameras, too, wouldn't hurt.
- If you're out at night, don't leave your car.
- And keep the doors locked and the windows up.
- Don't stop at stop lights or stop signs if you're in a shady part of town.
- Or if you see someone who looks shady hanging out near the lights or signs.
- Be aware at all times of people who are around your vehicle, especially at stops.
- Make sure you are in good shape physically.
- So you'll be able to run.
- Or fight, if you absolutely have to.
- Don't be stupid and where sunglasses at night just because you think it's cool. It hinders your eyesight, doofus.
- If you carry a bag, keep it strapped around your neck and not just hanging from your shoulder.
- Don't go into unfamiliar areas late at night by yourself.
- Carry some change for emergency phone calls.
- If you are out driving late at night and see an accident or crime, do not become involved. Drive to the nearest place of safety and then call the proper authorities.
- If you are out walking, walk with confidence.
- And make eye contact with people. It'll show you are serious.
- If you become involved in a physical confrontation with someone, your main goal should be survival, usually by escape. If you see a chance to get away, then flee the situation.
- Don't go up to an ATM late at night.
- Especially by yourself.
- Carry a glass bottle in your hand while walking. To make it look more natural, have it be a soft drink or something. You don't want to have to use a bottle as a weapon, but a potential mugger might see the bottle as a threat and pass you by.
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