Thursday, June 2, 2011

10 health benefits of grapes

  1. Heart attacks: According to, a study showed that 20 volunteers who drank grape juice afterwards had more nitric oxide in their bloodstream. This might not seem important to the uninitiated, but the truth is that nitric oxide helps to prevent the chance of blood clots building up in one's arteries, and blood clots are one of the major causes of heart attacks.
  2. Good cholesterol: Believe it or not, not all cholesterol is bad for you. High-density lipoprotein is one form of good cholesterol, and according to Dr. Martha Grogan with the Mayo Clinic, red wine and grape juice contain antioxidants in the form of flavonoids that help to increase the amount of this good cholesterol within the body. So, drink up, but do so reponsively.
  3. Blood pressure: The National Grape Cooperative has reported the result of a study in which men with high blood pressure were given Concord grape juice to drink. After they drank the juice, there was reported a "significant drop" in the blood pressure levels of the test subject. This means that if you have high blood pressure, you should probably talk to your doctor about adding grapes or grape juice to your diet.
  4. Breast cancer: A study done by Dr. Keith Singletary showed that lab animals given Concord grape juice had fewer tumors and experienced reductions in the size of tumors. More testing on humans obviously needs to be done, but this is a good sign.
  5. Lung cancer: Some grapes are known to contain resveratrol, a natural element found in some plants, including red grapes. According to a study done at theUniversity of Santiago de Compostela in Spain, a daily glass of red wine helped to lower the risks of lung cancer by 13 percent. Unfortunately, a daily glass of white wine was reported to raise the risks of lung cancer by 20 percent. I guess you know which one you should be drinking.
  6. Anti-aging: All that resveratrol found in red grapes also helps combat the aging process, specifically by limiting the natural cell damage that occurs to the body through the aging process.
  7. Strokes: A study released by the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, the skin on grapes has lots of resveratrol, and that resveratrol is also known to limit the brain damage often associated with strokes and stroke victims.
  8. Constipation: Like many fruits and vegetables, grapes contain plenty of fiber. And all that fiber is good for helping you with constipation, diarrhea, and other stomach problems, at least according to Dr.Prakash Kumar.
  9. Diuretic: Has your doctor proscribed a diuretic pill for you? If you are one of these people who does not like to take medicine, you might ask your doctor about natural diuretics. Such as grapes and grape juice. Grapes have high levels of potassium and potassium salts, which are a natural diuretic for the human body.
  10. Arthritis: Grape seed oil is known to help with the inflammation of arthritis. If you fear the onset of arthritis, consider cooking with grape seed oil or drinking a little grape seed oil. If you already suffer from arthritis, talk to you physician about the possible benefits of adding grape seed oil to your regular diet, because even if you already have arthritis, grape seed oil is supposed to help with the inflammation and pain.
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