Monday, June 20, 2011

10 health benefits of sesame oil

This edible vegetable oil made from sesame seeds can have a strong smell to it, but it has plenty to offer health improvements.
    Certified Organic Sesame Oil 8.5 fl.oz
  1. Antioxidants: Sesame oil, and sesame seeds for that matter, is rich in antioxidants. What do antioxidants do? They work at a cellular level to counteract damage done to the body, most specifically within the bloodstream, damage causes by viruses, aging, bacteria, etc.
  2. Skin care: Got dry skin? Maybe a few wrinkles? If so, try rubbing on some sesame oil. The Vitamin E and Vitamin B found in sesame oil helps to reduce damage done to the skin, and also brings a youthful, shining glow to the face. Just don't overdo it. The smell of sesame oil, though somewhat pleasing in a sweet nutty way, can be overpowering if too much is applied.
  3. Blood pressure: Polyunsaturated fats are known for helping to reduce blood pressure. Do you know what contains polyunsaturated fats? Sesame oil. But keep in mind sesame oil is usually high in calories and fat, so you don't want to use it too often or you'll start putting on some weight, which isn't good for your blood pressure.
  4. Cholesterol: Need to keep those cholesterol levels down? Again, give sesame oil a try. Studies done by the United States Food and Drug Administration have shown sesame oil can lower cholesterol levels.
  5. Gingivitis: If you're short on mouthwash but have some sesame oil in the kitchen cupboards, get out that oil to fight gingivitis, an inflammation of the gums and teeth. A study at the Maharishi International University in Iowa showed a result of an 85 percent reduction in the bacteria that causes gingivitis.
  6. Lower blood sugar: The Journal of Medicinal Foods reported on a study that showed a lessening of glucose in laboratory animals with diabetes who were given sesame seed oil. If it works for animals, it should work for humans, too, right? Maybe, maybe not. But a little sesame oil couldn't hurt. Ask your doctor or a nutritionist if you'd like to know more.
  7. Common cold: Sniffing, sneezing, hacking, coughing. We all get it at some point. And sesame oil can come to the rescue. Some studies have suggested simply smelling a little sesame oil will help to clear up the sinuses and can fight the common cold. Other, older remedies suggest rubbing sesame oil on the chest to help break up a cold in the chest. Just remember to wash off the oil after a half hour or so.
  8. Dandruff: Rubbing some sesame seed oil into your hair helps to sooth and oil up the skin, thus helping to lessen or prevent dandruff. Word of warning, though: Sesame oil is sometimes known to darken hair, so keep that in mind if you don't want darker hair.
  9. Heat reduction: In India it is commonly believed that sesame oil reduces heat in the body, and since India is generally a warm clime, sesame oil body massages are not that uncommon. So, if you're feeling a little warm, rub on some sesame oil to cool down.
  10. Lowering sodium: A study by the Yale Journal of Biology showed that those who ingested sesame oil once a day for 45 days not only had lower blood pressure, but also had lower levels of sodium in their bodies. And after the study was finished, when the subjects were no longer taking sesame oil? Their blood pressure and sodium levels went back up. See, sodium (commonly called salt) isn't good for the body, specifically the heart, in anything more than moderate doses. For one thing, all that sodium causes the body to hold fluid, which can put a strain on the heart.

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