Cholesterol: If you'd like to have a lower cholesterol score, you might want to consider adding some fish oil to your diet. Research from the American Heart Association has shown that fish oil benefits those who have issues with cholesterol. But always remember to have a talk with your doctor before making major changes to your diet.
- Depression: Omega 3 is a fatty acid in the human body that transmits messages from the brain to the rest of the body. Guess what? Fish oil has tons of Omega 3. If the body does not have enough Omega 3, it will instead use the fatty acid Omega 6, which is not nearly as healthy. Omega 6 does not transmit messages from the brain to body very well, and this can lead to several different disorders, including depress. But Omega 3 combats this.
- Joint pain: A study by the Albany Medical College shows that fish oil, especially non-synthetic fish oil supplements, help those who are suffering from joint pain, specifically from pain caused by Rheumatoid Arthritis.
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Remember how the fatty acid Omega 3 found in fish oil helps the brain send messages to the body? Well, plenty of Omega 3 means those messages will travel easier and faster from the brain, allowing the individual to better remained focused. According to Dr. EdwardHallowell with the Hallowell Center for ADHD, the Omega 3 in fish oil supplements help those with ADHDto keep their focus after at least six weeks of taking the supplements.
- Irregular heart beat: Getting back to the American Heart Association, this organization has announced that studies show that people with low levels of Omega 3 in their body have a higher chance of suffering from arrhythmia, otherwise known as irregular heart beat. So, if you suffer from heart disease, especially arrhythmia, you might want to talk to a medical professional about taking fish oil supplements.
- Heart attacks: Speaking of heat disease, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has reported that fish oil helps to prevent the build-up of blood clots and plaque in the arteries, which are common causes of heart attacks.
- Gastritis: Do you suffer from an inflammation of the lining of your stomach? If so, you've probably got Gastritis. Go see your doctor. He or she might suggest you been eating more fish, or that you begin taking fish oil supplements. Why? Because the Omega 3 in fish oil helps to prevent Gastritis and helps to ease the inflammation.
- Memory: Well, since the Omega 3 found in fish oil is important for the human body's brain to transmit messages to the body, it only makes sense that Omega 3 and fish oil will also help with one's memory.
- Eczema: Eczema is a dermatitis, an inflammation of the skin. A study done by the University of Oslo has shown that Eczema patients who take fish oil supplements which contain Omega 3 have a better percentage chance of improving their skin condition.
- Pregnancy: Pregnant mothers-to-be should definitely talk to their doctor about fish oil supplements. Scientific evidence shows that Omega 3 fatty acids, such as those found in the human brain and fish oil, are important for a fetus to develop a brain properly. Besides, you want your kid to be smart, right?
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